First Posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 DAMN, it's been a whilleeeee over a year since LAST YEAR'S diet

I'm 15 now yee

pls, I know that nobody is ever going to see this blog but what I did last year was terribly unhealthy and non-achievable. I'm pretty mad at myself for idolizing eating disorders and behaviors because it does no good to anyone.

I had completely forgotten about this blog until I was stalking my google account today! Like I mentioned back in March, I lost about 16 lbs. which is a huge improvement. I still have not missed a day of counting my calories, and I'm about 140 pounds right now! (started at 170 in August 2019)

This year has been a crazy roller coaster ride for everyone. Covid happened, we all had to adapt to a new lifestyle at home, masks, everything shut down, etc. 

In quarantine from the end of March to the beginning of July, I strictly ate 1500 calories a day with a few cheat days. This is definitely not recommended for everyone, but I liked the calorie counting process, so this time I did research on the nutrition I needed to keep my body healthy. Of course, doctors recommend choosing healthier food options in order for people to lose weight effectively, but I never had the willpower to do this alone. I craved to see exact numbers.

Since I was always at home, it was much easier to have a daily schedule, and my new eating habits settled in quicker. Somehow I gathered the determination to slowly transition into new meal routines, which helped my goals become attainable. The sudden transition into eating smaller amounts of food in August was not easy because I didn't allow myself to get used to anything.

Slowly throughout the spring and summer, I shed over 20 pounds of unwanted fat. I decided to include my family in my journey due to last year's consequences. My mom, who is also struggling with her own self-image, felt inspired. My confidence grew and I began replacing my ugly old clothes with new items using my own money. (I got a job in June)

I lost my period for a while, which was ok, so I started eating a little more. My lowest weight was 135.6 lbs and I'm currently fluctuating between 139-140. (I haven't been exercising that much bc of school and the winter lol)

I've been maintaining my weight for a while! Of course, I still eat less than the amounts I normally consumed last December, and I still calculate my calories. Since it isn't beneficial for me to lose weight anymore (bc I lost my period, but I got it back again in Sept.) I pretty much eat whatever I want, 2-3 times a day, around 1800 calories. I've been estimating a lot lately lmao

Yeah, so I successfully lost weight!

Of course, I made mistakes. Social mistakes.

In quarantine, I set my goals, hoping that they'd be attainable. I cut all of my friends off so I could come back to school & dance and surprise everyone. LET ME TELL YOU that YES, everyone was surprised. I basically went inactive on my social media for months, even during the BLM protests and riots in June. This was a large mistake. I literally have no friends and my confidence is beginning to spiral downward. Yes, I have cute clothes. Yes, I'm proud of what I've done this past year. But I still feel unnoticed and invisible because I thought that looks were everything. 

I still worry about how much I'm supposed to eat, I feel shitty when I don't exercise, and I'm terrified of weight gain. It's almost like I've lost control of my habits. When I followed my strict meal plan, I felt happy, even when I compared myself to other people's looks and their own eating habits. Now that there is more freedom with my food choices- it's hard to get used to anything.

This will probably be my last post on this stupid blog! If I die and people find this, do. not. attempt. This was only meant to be used as a semi-anonymous journal of my actions, and I do not intend to recommend any of this to anyone. PLEASE- If you decide to go on a diet, accept your body, inform the people around you, and do your research! nobody should be eating under 1500 calories a day, and maintaining the weight is the hardest step; there is no end to a "diet". 

I recommend that you just eat whatever without a care in the world and learn to accept yourself. Loosing weight will not help your confidence very much; I still hate my body, and there is a lot of work that I need to do with myself. 

I apologize for the clichéness of this blog :,) have a nice life

Do what you want. Get some good people to share your journeys. Mistakes are human. Life is about experiences; don't waste your time trying to make everything perfect. 

-Kristy :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2020



So yees it's March 31st 2020

I've lost 16 lbs since May 2019

*ahem* that shitty AIT diet from August???

Never ever ever ever again

SoOo it was a wild ride after highschool started. I quit the diet the day school began, and I gained all the weight back lmao

In October I tried doing a keto protein diet but that ended pretty quick lol

So I was just chillin, getting fatter everyday as the weeks passed by

And then I realized that the reason I was over weight was because of my love and craving for food. I over ate constantly, and then I wouldn't eat anything for a week, and then my metabolism would slow down and my craving for food would get worse so then in the end I just got heavier.

So I started looking at the healthy amount of calories for someone my size, age and gender. It was about 2100 to maintain weight, and I was eating well over 2700 everyday.

So from there on, haven't gone a day without counting my calories. I knew that I had to start slow, and then I would push myself to eat less. In January and February, I was eating roughly 2200 each day, and as I saw some mild fat loss.

I started to become much more motivated as I felt myself getting lighter, so my consumption of food was getting smaller.

My school and extracurricular activities were shut down due to the coronavirus, so I've been at home the past few weeks, focusing on schoolwork, diet, excersise, and self care. My daily calorie limit is 1500, and the minimum is 1200; I need to make sure that my metabolism stays moderate and that I'm getting enough energy.

The shitty anorexia boot camp diet did nothing to help me. With the simpler routine I'm using now, I can make healthier food choices (to "save" calories), stay hydrated (water keeps you full) and I won't loose muscle.

I'm proud to say that as of today, I am no longer overweight. I am 153.2 pounds: which is only .2 lbs above a healthy weight for a 5'7" 14 year old girl. I forgot what my BMI is but it improved 😂 My goal is 140 SO CLOSE ALMOST THERE

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 1 AIT


850 cal.

today went so well! i ate healthy food and did nOT overeat, which is GREAT. i didnt really try to exercise tho


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Pre AIT/AIT in between day

okkkkkkk...... sooooo i realized that the ait diet HAS to start on a monday and the day after the 31st is Sunday


Day 31 Pre AIT


im officially 14 yeet



ok ive been sooo fll this past week because of all the cheat days i've taken. i think i may have gained like 20 lbs lol and im fckin bloatedfffff

i had a mellow bt fn birthday!! yeet

LAST DAY OF PRE AIT!!!!! (kinda lol)

Day 30 Pre AIT

i should have been fasting


i had y b-day party today

Day 29 Pre AIT
